Inner Beauty Within

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Inner beauty is the most important feature in our human being. All of our actions in a day draw from that inner beauty or soul. You become more beautiful on the outside when you recognize your beauty on the inside.
Inner beauty is a combination of things not seen but felt; such as kindness, sensitivity, tenderness, compassion, integrity, charisma and intelligence. Psychical beauty can and/or will fade overtime, but inner beauty can get stronger and strengthened as you age. Inner beauty is one characteristic that will shine through radiantly. We’ve all heard that what you are on the inside is a reflection of who you are on the outside.  Your inner beauty will attract real friends, people who love you for who you are and not who or what you look like. Those friends will leave forget you when the next hot person comes alone.
Proverbs 31:30 says Charm can fool you. Beauty fades. But a woman who has respect for the LORD should be praised.
A lot of women don’t know their worth. Proverbs 3:15 says She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. You have to love yourself for who you are before anyone else can love you. You must be attracted to yourself before you can attract attraction. If you’re confident and others see this, they will want to be around you. You must have a healthy view of yourself. When you respect yourself other will respect you. You need to read and know what God says about you and you can start by reading Proverbs 31:10-30. Take the time to get to know yourself, this my mean being alone for a while, no relationships. Concentrate on you. Pray and meditate, talk to God, talk to yourself, speak positive things into your life. Be still and listen. Do not dwell on the negative things that happen or the negative things people say. Simply put, stay in Gods presence and enjoy peace, love and joy!

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